LNG as a Fuel

Liquefaction Schema

LNG offers a better value than HFO and diesel in many locations that are not served by natural gas pipelines. As a result, we will sell the LNG produced in the plant that is built, own and operate using the deep experience of TVER's Energy's oil and gas market and technical expertise of our Partner in natural gas processing and cryogenic liquefaction. 

Through our partnership with industry leaders, we will have access to strategic partners that will provide generators, gas processing equipment, fuel system conversions, gas storage and dispensing systems so that we can meet the needs of virtually any customer in our target market. 

Who We Sell To 

We develop, own and independently operate LNG plants to provide cryogenic liquefaction services and product at a fee to natural gas producers that find marketable applications for small gas LNG and gas processing systems. In addition to producing the LNG for Gas Producers, we also handle and operate a virtual pipeline to enable the delivery of LNG to the Gas Producer's end-customers. The LNG product is sold to anyone using large quantities of diesel fuel as a BTU per BTU replacement fuel at much lower cost. This includes trucks, heavy mining equipment, Power generators, and marine vessels. 

The more diesel the customer uses now, the faster the payback will be. Electrical generators and engines that operate continuously will benefit the most from the conversion to natural gas fueled systems. 

Also, the liquefaction equipment can be located at a customer's production well site. There are few restrictions on its size and siting. The equipment is modular and can be deployed in stages as customers require more or less natural gas fuel and NGL recovery.